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What Does LEV Stand For?


Have you ever wondered what does LEV stand for? Don’t worry, you’re not the first! We’re here to educate you on what it is when it should be used and how you go about getting it installed. So, what does the acronym stand for? L – Local E – Exhaust V – Ventilation   What ...

Fee For Intervention (FFI) Explained


What Is the Fee For Intervention (FFI) Scheme? In this article, we’re looking at the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Fee for Intervention scheme (commonly known as FFI). The FFI scheme is a cost recovery scheme whereby the HSE can charge businesses that fail to meet their legal obligations and are found to ...

Regulation 9 of COSHH Explained


The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health guidance requires business owners and duty holders to provide and maintain Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems. In this article, we’ve explained Regulation 9 of the COSHH regulations in more detail to aid companies who operate LEV systems.   What Is COSHH Regulation 9? ...

Foundry Company Fined for Lead Dust Exposure


A foundry was sentenced and fined for safety breaches of lead dust exposure. Workers were exposed to harmful dust during a restoration project. The project involved stripping off the rust and paint from a metal bell and structure. It was only after the project had begun and had been underway for some time that the ...

Engineering Company Fined for Welding Fume Exposure


  An engineering business was sentenced and fined in after a welder fabricator developed hypersensitive pneumonitis, a serious and irreversible respiratory illness which develops after long-term exposure to welding fumes and metalworking fluid. The welder fabricator was at risk of inhalation of welding fumes and metalworking fluid mists, which potentially contained harmful bacteria. His 30-year ...