Market-Leading Bodyshop Dust Extraction Systems

Dust extraction systems filter the air to safely capture and remove any airborne particles, leaving the air clean and breathable. Dust extraction and collection systems work on the basic formula of capture, convey and collect.

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Bodyshop Dust Extraction Items

More About Our Bodyshop Dust Extraction Products

At Auto Extract Systems, we offer a wide variety of different bodyshop dust extraction system solutions for all kinds of bodyshop facilities, including commercial, industrial, automotive and aerospace. We're experts at capturing dust in the workplace and safely processing it to help your business provide a pollution-free workplace. Our solutions include portable solutions to small bag filters and even complex cyclone filtration systems.

Depending on your business's requirements, we'll help specify the right bodyshop extraction local exhaust ventilation system for your needs. Our dust extraction technology can help free your working environment from dust. By utilising the latest dust extraction technologies to increase production efficiencies, profitability and even create energy-saving efficiencies.


What is Dust?

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 Mock Up
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 Mock Up

Although everyone knows what dust is, it's essential that the definitions of what different kinds of dust there are understood prior. There are two main kinds, as described in the Control of Substances Hazard to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002; inhalable dust and respirable dust.

Inhalable dust is defined as an airborne material that is capable of entering the nose and mouth during breathing. Some dust may consist of larger or heavier particles, which can get trapped in the nose, mouth, throat or upper respiratory tract. Whilst respirable dust is defined as an airborne material that's is capable of penetrating the gas exchange region of the lung (the alveoli). These can build up in the air spaces in the lung and can lead to lung damage.

It's critical to remember that dust can be a problem in almost any industry.


What is Bodyshop Dust?

Dust is created in bodyshop working environments when tools, such as powered disc cutters or sanders are utilised on bodywork fillers; these processes create large quantities of dust. The dust that's created in these processes is invisible, even under normal lighting. Even if the dust produced does not contain specific harmful substances, the quantity of dust generated can be harmful to the health of employees.

HSG261 MVR Industries Mock Up
HSG261 MVR Industries Mock Up

In HSE's HSG261: Health and Safety in Motor Vehicle Repair and Associated Industries guidance, it states that: "Lead has historically been used in some body preparation operations and despite the temperature not being hot enough to produce a large quantity of harmful fume, the cutting and sanding processes can release high concentrates of fine dust, which is a serious health hazard."


What are the Health Effects?

The health effects that dust can cause can prevail in almost any workplace. Depending on the types of dust you're trying to control; it can be difficult to know which HSE guidance to follow, however, we can help prevent exposure to hazardous substances.

The hazards of dust like silica and wood are well recognised and HSE produces specific guidance for these dust, but there are many more substances that generate dust as part of the working process.

EH44 Dust in the Workplace Guidance Mock Up
EH44 Dust in the Workplace Guidance Mock Up

We can help your business control exposure to dust at work to avoid ill health. In HSE's EH44: Dust in the Workplace - General Principles of Protection guidance, it states that "Exposure to any dust in excessive amounts can create respiratory problems" and can cause, "Harmful effects from skin irritation to lung cancer depending on the dust type and length of exposure."

Other health implications can include skin sensation, eye damage, gastro tract irritation (if they enter the digestive tract) and affecting organs and tissues in the body if they enter the bloodstream (via the alveoli).

HSE's HSG261 guidance recommends minimising the number of people exposed to dust and fume by using tools with built-in extraction, or LEV bodyshop dust extraction systems when sanding organic body fillers to control dust releases at-source.


What Does the Law State?

In HSE's EH44: Dust in the Workplace guidance, it states: "Exposure to all such dust needs to be prevented or, where this is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled." Prevention should be achieved with local exhaust ventilation.

Under the COSHH regulations, employers should regard dust as a substance hazardous to health, these can include a mixture of compounds, micro-organisms or natural materials, such as flour, stone or wood dust. The substance being used, or being generated as part of the working process should be controlled as per the HSE's Workplace Exposure Limit Guidance. Learn more about Workplace Exposure Limits in the paragraph below.


Workplace Exposure Limits

What are Substance WELs (Workplace Exposure Limits)?
What are Substance WELs (Workplace Exposure Limits)?

In EH40 guidance categorises important information about harmful substances, including whether substances are skin sensitisers, carcinogenic, or whether biological monitoring guidance is required. Click here to read our article, What are Substance WELs (Workplace Exposure Limits)? In the article, you'll find which hazardous substances have exposure limits and how their concentrations are measured over simulated working day periods.


Essential Elements of COSHH

The legal requirements require employers to complete regular COSHH risk assessments. Regulation 7 first requires employers to make all conscious efforts to follow the COSHH hierarchical approach. The hierarchal approach recommends that substances should be substituted from the process to either eliminate or reduce the risk of exposure. However, if elimination or substitutions can't be avoided, control measures, such as engineering controls should be implemented to control the risk.

COSHH Regulations place the duty of care on employers to ensure employees (and other people in a workplace) who may be exposed to specific substances are protected. To find out more about the necessary steps to take to ensure your workplace complies with the COSHH Regulations, read our article, The 7 Essential Elements of COSHH [Infographic]

7 Essential Elements of COSHH
7 Essential Elements of COSHH


How to Control Bodyshop Dust Exposure

Once a formal risk COSHH assessment has been completed, prevention of dust exposure should be the first objective. Dust can easily be eliminated from the workplace with personal protective equipment and suitable engineering controls.

HSE's EH44: Dust in the Workplace guidance states that: "Removing the dust by effective LEV should always be given priority" and that, "PPE should only be considered as a control measure as a last resort."

In the majority of cases, the most effective method of extracting airborne substances, such as dust is to capture at-source. We always recommended at-source extraction and depending on the working processes undertaken, LEV systems built into the machine or the process (that creates the dust). This prevents dust from dispersing into the broader working environment because of cross draughts and air movements, which can reduce the LEV system's efficiency.

Hi-Vac Fixed:Semi-Flexible Drops - Image 8
Hi-Vac Fixed:Semi-Flexible Drops

Portable Dust Extraction Units with flexible exhaust hoods can remove fumes and gases from most locations. An alternative solution is a hi-vac body shop dust extraction system, either in the form of a Hi-vacuum Fixed or Semi-Flexible Drop system.

HSE HSG258 Mock-Up
HSE HSG258 Mock-Up

Don't forget, according to COSHH regulations and HSE HSG258: Controlling airborne contaminants at work (A Guide to Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) guidance), which both state: "LEV equipment should be thoroughly examined and tested at least once every 14 months." We offer a comprehensive LEV testing and maintenance service, find out more about how we can help your business with LEV Testing services. 


Do You Need Extraction for Ceramic Coating?

Auto bodyshops are involved in all kinds of jobs, from vehicle repairs to enhancements and modifications. One of the customisation services that has become more popular in recent years is ceramic coating application. Ceramic coating is applied to a car's bodywork and has several benefits for motor enthusiasts, including easier maintenance and a premium appearance. While ceramic coating can be applied manually, it is best left to a bodyshop expert for maximum results. Like many other bodyshop services and paint jobs, the process of applying ceramic coating can be hazardous. Ceramic coating can still emit toxic fumes and odours which can be dangerous if inhaled. Therefore, it's recommended that you invest in an effective bodyshop dust extraction system.


Benefits of Providing LEV

In HSE's INDG408: Clearing The Air - A Simple Guide to Buying and Using Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV), advises business to make sure that your LEV system installer is competent to define, design and install a suitable LEV system to meet the performance intended. We offer a full LEV Installation service, and we offer FREE site assessments too!

The HSE request you to only employ competent experienced specialist LEV trained companies when making these important decisions. Specifying an appropriate system has many facets including, the products encountered, the quantity and allowed exposure to that contaminant, airflow rates required against WELs (Workplace Exposure Limits).


Checklist to Help You to Choose the Right LEV Supplier

Checklist - How to Choose a Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Supplier

Checklist - How to Choose a Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) SupplierIf you’re in the market for a new Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) system, it can be a tough decision to decide which is the best LEV solutions provider to choose. We want to help, so we’ve assembled a checklist (and article) to help guide you to select the right LEV supplier for your business and requirements. Visit our article on How to Choose a Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Supplier and download the checklist.


Learn How We helped Businesses Like Yours


Case Study Mock Up
Case Study Mock Up

To find out more about the latest dust extraction LEV installations we've been working on, check out our Case Studies section.


Request your FREE LEV Site Assessment Today!

We'll call to arrange a convenient time and date to visit your site. We'll analyse your working processes, assess the substances used and the contaminants generated. We'll work out how best to control the dust and fume in a way that's in line with your COSHH risk assessment. Next, we'll design you a comprehensive LEV system that adheres to HSG258 guidance and send this you to via email.

We'll do all this to ensure we fully understand your dust and fume extraction requirements and help you to provide a pollution-free workplace!

This is an amazing service we do for thousands of businesses throughout the UK and Ireland every year. We work with such a wide variety of industries, from manufacturing, industrial, woodworking, pharmaceutical and automotive workshops to schools, colleges and military establishments.

Request your FREE, no-obligation LEV site assessment today!



Why Choose Us?

Auto Extract Systems is the UK’s leading Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) company. Over the last 20 years, we've helped thousands of businesses create dust and fume free workplaces.

As experts in all things LEV, we can help your business become COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulation 2002 compliant with a tailored LEV solution. We provide comprehensive design, installation, maintenance and certification services across a range of industry sectors. Find out more about us here.

Industry processes we can add value to:

  • Commercial Bodyshop
  • Industrial Bodyshop
  • Aerospace Bodyshop
  • Universities
  • Schools
  • Colleges

Why Choose Auto Extract Systems

celebrating 20 years’ of service

Celebrating 20 Years’ of Service

experts across multiple industries

Experts Across Multiple Industries

affiliate bohs member & fully accredited with chas, iso and more!

Affiliate BOHS Member & Fully Accredited With CHAS, ISO and More!

high quality lev design, supply & installation

High Quality LEV Design, Supply & Installation

12 months installations warranty

12 Months Installations Warranty

free lev site assessments, uk-wide

Free LEV Site Assessments, UK-Wide