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ATEX Extraction Arms

ATEX extraction arms can be specified for Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas for use with explosive gases, dust and chemicals and fall in line with the ATEX directive 94/9/EC category 2. Fume extraction arms are ideal for ATEX-rated working environments where combustible materials are being used and where there's a risk of explosions.

ATEX fume extraction arms are manufactured with flexible hose and feature an externally-mounted, self-supporting structure, made from non-EX coated stainless steel metal parts. These industrial extraction arms are suitable for extracting fumes and dust at-source. At-source capture is always recommended to ensure they're captured before they disperse into the workplace.


Articulated Extraction Arms

Articulated Extraction Arms
Articulated Extraction Arms

ATEX suction arms are available in four varieties of diameters, including 100mm, 125mm, 160mm and 200mm and in a wide variety of lengths, from 1,500mm to 7,000mm.


Always Choose a Low Pressure Drop

Extraction Arms - Choose a Low Pressure Drop
Extraction Arms - Choose a Low Pressure Drop

We've tried and tested many different extraction arms on the market and have found these to be the most robust and highest-quality arms available. The hose extraction arms we install come complete with an external exoskeletal support structure. An external support structure allows for there to be:

  • Pressure Drop - A low-pressure drop within the system. Less mechanical parts disturb the airflow mean the user will get a better airflow at the capture hood
  • Easier to Maintain - Less mechanical seizures mean it's easier to move to the desired capture location, but also easy to clean and maintain. Contaminant capture by the LEV system, such as dust, can easily seize up joints and make it difficult to manoeuvre and service
  • Noise - Less noise disruption from the LEV system ventilation will make the workplace less noisy
  • Performance - Our extraction arms offer 30% better airflow and 50% static pressure drop than a traditional internal knuckle type arm


User-Friendly Operation

The user is easily able to operate the extraction arms as its aided with multiple friction joints and two strong gas-powered struts, which means the user can position the hood exactly where the user wants it. An effortless 4-way hood knuckle joint provides the user with a simple, yet smooth performance. It can operate above and below its mounting height and can be turned through virtually 360°. It can be positioned high or low and has good stability when manoeuvred into position.

Also, extraction arms make it easy for the user to operate with a 4-way centre joint, meaning it can easily be tilted up, down, left and right to capture fumes or gases at-source.


Design Innovation - The Coanda Effect

Mobile Welding Fume Extractor-04

The Coanda Effect

The hood is designed for maximum extraction efficiency. It is ideal for capturing welding fume extraction and other hot contaminants. For isothermal (non-hot) contaminants, extraction efficiency can be further improved by taking advantage of the Coanda effect.

The Coanda effect is the phenomenon known to Science where a jet of air clings to a flat surface, such as a table or bench, over a longer length rather than flowing through the room. This innovation enables a greater collection of fumes over a longer length than any traditional type all-round hood. The capture hood features a purpose-built flat base to take advantage of this phenomenon making it ideal for the collection of hot fumes and gases.


What do the HSE State?


According to HSE’s Explosive Atmospheres – Classification of Hazardous Areas (Zoning) and Selection of Equipment guidance, “Gases, vapours, mists and dust can form explosive atmospheres within the workplace air. Hazardous area classifications are used to identify and locate areas where potentially explosive atmospheres are so that special precautions can be made to prevent fires and explosions.

Risk assessments should be completed to identify areas where ATEX zones and which classification they are. The document continues to recommend that mechanical ventilation, typically local exhaust ventilation (LEV), can dilute and remove dangerous substances from an enclosed working area.

There’s a close link between the ATEX classification, the area surrounding the zone and LEV location; as well-designed LEV may prevent the need for a zoned area, as it may reduce it so it has a negligible extent.


ATEX Extraction Arms Data Sheet

ATEX Extraction Arms Data Sheet -Mock-Up
ATEX Extraction Arms Data Sheet -Mock-Up

We've got datasheet's available! Get in touch today to get your hands on the latest copy of our ATEX extraction arms data sheet. Scroll down to download...


The Right ATEX-Rated Solution for Your Needs

Auto Extract Systems can help specify and design the right LEV system for your business's requirements. We only use the highest quality products and installations come complete with a 12-month installation warranty. Find out more about our LEV Installations service.

Auto Extract Systems can provide a wide variety of ATEX extraction arms that form complete local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems that are suitable for all kinds of ATEX-rated working environments. ATEX extraction arms should be utilised in conjunction with one of our centrifugal fans to vent the captured fumes either directly to the atmosphere or depending on the working process, via a filtration unit.


A Complete LEV System

ATEX exhaust extraction units should be utilised in conjunction with one of our centrifugal fans to vent the captured dust and fumes as part of a complete extraction system to either directly to the atmosphere or depending on the working process, via The cleaned air can then be returned to the atmosphere via a high-velocity cowl, as per HSG258: Controlling Airborne Contaminants at Work: A Guide to Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV).

To find out more about ATEX extraction arms and how we can help you find the right local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system for you and your business, head over to our News section. To arrange a free site assessment, call us on +44 (0)1942 267444 or click the yellow Request Information button above.


Learn How We helped Businesses Like Yours


Case Study Mock Up
Case Study Mock Up

To find out more about the latest LEV installations we've been working on, check out our Case Studies section.


Request your FREE LEV Site Assessment Today!

We'll call to arrange a convenient time and date to visit your site. We'll analyse your working processes, assess the substances used and the contaminants generated. We'll work out how best to control the dust and fume in a way that's in line with your COSHH risk assessment. Next, we'll design you a comprehensive LEV system that adheres to HSG258 guidance and send this you to via email. 

We'll do all this to ensure we fully understand your dust and fume extraction requirements and help you to provide a pollution-free workplace!

This is an amazing service we do for thousands of businesses throughout the UK and Ireland every year. We work with such a wide variety of industries, from manufacturing, industrial, woodworking, pharmaceutical and automotive workshops to schools, colleges and military establishments. 

Request your FREE, no-obligation LEV site assessment today!



Why Choose Us?

Auto Extract Systems is the UK’s leading Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) company. Over the last 20 years, we've helped thousands of businesses create dust and fume free workplaces.

As experts in all things LEV, we can help your business become COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulation 2002 compliant with a tailored LEV solution. We provide comprehensive design, installation, maintenance and certification services across a range of industry sectors. Find out more about us here.

Why Work With Us?

celebrating 20 years’ of service

Celebrating 20 Years’ of Service

experts across multiple industries

Experts Across Multiple Industries

high quality lev design, supply & installation

High Quality LEV Design, Supply & Installation

affiliate bohs member & fully accredited with chas, iso and more!

Affiliate BOHS Member & Fully Accredited With CHAS, ISO and More!

12 month installations warranty

12 Month Installations Warranty

free lev site assessments, uk-wide

Free LEV Site Assessments, UK-Wide

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Want to know more? Download Our ATEX Extraction Arms Data Sheet

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