Diacetyl can be dangerous when inhaled or ingested following processes like roasting coffee and brewing beers. This chemical causes various health problems, from skin irritation to lung disease. Businesses working with diacetyl substances must be aware of the associated health risks and how exposure to the compound can be reduced.

This guide walks you through the ins and outs of diacetyl, describing what it is, what you can do and the LEV options available to you.


What is Diacetyl?

Diacetyl (systematic name: butanedione or butane-2,3-dione) is an organic compound with an intense buttery flavour. Diacetyl is a naturally occurring chemical in alcoholic beverages caused by fermentation. It is also manufactured synthetically, commonly added as a flavouring to some foods to impart its buttery flavour.

Diacetyl vapour can be generated as a by-product during the roasting and grinding of coffee beans and may also be present during the brewing of some beers such as English Ales, Stouts and Bitters.


The Health Risks of Diacetyl

Synthetic diacetyl is classified as a hazardous substance. It is toxic if inhaled, can cause skin irritation and eye damage by contact and is harmful if swallowed.

Exposure to diacetyl fumes has been associated with bronchiolitis obliterans, a rare and life-threatening form of non-reversible obstructive lung disease in which the bronchioles (small airway branches) are compressed and narrowed by fibrosis (scar tissue) and/or inflammation.

In January of 2023, The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) issued a safety alert concerning diacetyl, which you can read here. HSE scientific studies show that heating diacetyl above certain temperatures significantly increases airborne concentrations and the potential for exposures above safe workplace limits.

For example, the risks are high in applications like coffee bean grinding, which the temperature can greatly affect. Concentrations are significantly increased if the roasted beans are ground when still warm (around 40°C) and reduced if the beans are cooled between roasting and grinding down to room temp (around 16-20°C).

Food flavouring additive processes and applications are also considered high risk. Potential exposure above safe workplace limits is significantly increased if flavour mixtures contain diacetyl, even at low concentrations (below 5%). This can be exacerbated if the process is heated, added to hot processes or spray-dried.

Some examples of when people can be at the most risk include:

  • opening of diacetyl or flavouring containers
  • decanting and weighing
  • mixing
  • spray drying to produce powdered mixtures
  • packaging
  • cleaning of vessels or spillages


What You Can Do to Control Exposure

Firstly, as with any workplace application, carry out a risk assessment. If your processes include diacetyl, food flavourings that contain diacetyl, or are likely to produce diacetyl, then you must conduct a risk assessment. This risk assessment will help you identify the hazards with the potential for exposure. It will also help you understand who might be harmed and how, evaluate how likely and significant those risks are, and decide on precautions such as Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) and Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE).

Check the manufacturer’s material safety data sheet (MSD). This should be provided with the product. If not, it can be requested from the supplier as they are a legal requirement and must be readily available.

Look at substituting the product for a less harmful one. If this isn’t possible, you may need to look at additional controls, such as an LEV system.


Your LEV Options

Local Exhaust Ventilation is an engineering control for controlling substances hazardous to health. Auto Extract Systems provides a wide range of fume and dust extraction solutions for all applications.

Contact us to speak to an expert and discover the best solution for your company or visit our food dust extraction page for more information on LEV solutions for this industry.


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