In May 2019, the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) released new COSHH essential guidance sheets for rubber, woodworking, ceramics, brick and tile to help employers, the self-employed and franchisees to comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH). 

As part of the update, the HSE have fragmented different processes to give clearer guidance for a specific area. Each area gives specific exposure control guidance for different tools/processes that create dust and fumes in the workplace. The new COSHH essential guidance sheets also highlight the importance of respiratory safety and give a clearer message on how to protect workers’ health.

All of the processes that have had a direct advice/COSHH essential update require the use of a dedicated LEV (local exhaust ventilation) or a general ventilation system to help safely remove the dust and fumes from the workplace. Please click on the following links to download the new COSHH essential guidance sheets:

Information from the direct advice/COSHH essential guidance needs to be available and distributed to employees affected by these processes by the internal health and safety departments, or relevant party within the business.

Auto Extract Systems Ltd is the UK and Ireland’s leading dust filtration and fume extraction solutions company and can help provide a pollution-free workplace. We can assist your business with an LEV (local exhaust ventilation) system that will safely remove rubber, woodworking, ceramics, brick and tile dust and fumes from the working environment and help your business become HSE compliant.

Our services include the design, installation, maintenance and certification of bespoke LEV systems that will be specified to meet the latest HSE COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2002.

Get in touch today to arrange a free site survey and quotation, contact us via email, or call us today for a no-obligation discussion on +(0)1942 267444. In addition, keep in touch with us on our social media channels, FacebookX or LinkedIn for updates.

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