Auto Extract Systems have helped Farmers Weekly provide a comprehensive welding fume guide.
Farmers Welding Fume Guide
The guide was put together to help farmers understand and put in place solutions to the risks that derive from welding tasks. The guide explains the HSE legislation reclassification (which was introduced in February 2019) and how to protect farmer’s health from the welding fumes generated from the welding process. The reclassification stated that ventilation does not achieve adequate exposure control and engineering controls need to be provided.
1. Risk assessments
The vast majority of farming businesses only carry out occasional welding repair work meaning the exposure risk is low. Yet, to reduce the risks in the following steps, it’s recommended that risk assessments should always be completed. If using heavy lifting equipment, then the LOLER regulations should also be followed.
2. Welding Fume Solutions (Engineering Controls)
Auto Extract System’s Technical Sales Director, Darren Bell, assisted Farmers Weekly to assemble the best welding fume control solutions, to provide you with a fume-free farm. The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) recommend many of these solutions in their welding fume control guidance and include:
3. RPE
Next, it explains how engineering controls should be used as a primary measure to protect staff, but, RPE (respiratory protective equipment) should be used as a secondary measure.
4. Training
Finally, it explains how important thorough welding training is to ensure that the entire operation is safe.
FREE Welding Fume Assessments For Farmers
HSE Weld Fume: Safety Concerns Raised
In our blog, ‘HSE Weld Fume: Safety Concerns Raised‘, we’ve looked at the HSE’s welding fume reclassification in more detail and what it means for businesses.
The Dangers of Welding Fume
Head to our ‘Dangers of Welding Fume‘ blog to learn about all the health effects and dangers welding fume poses to workers, if exposure isn’t controlled.
What is Welding Fume Extraction?
We’ve also put together a helpful guide to explain the ins and outs of welding fume extraction, just click the link to find lots of helpful information!
Farmers Weekly Full Article
To read the full Farmer Weekly welding fume guide, please click here.